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Summer Camp 2020!


Focus on learning the basic functionalities of the camera.  It's a hand's on workshop that focuses on teaching the basic functionalities of a DSL camera.  We teach students how to fully understand and learn ISO, shutter speed, aperture, meter reading, learn how to create movement by slowing the shutter speed or freeze moments by increasing the shutter speed, learn how to create beautiful blurs without having to buy expensive lenses.


Our advance classes focus on composition, story telling through photos, fashion photography, learning how to photograph portraits, head-shots or groups, studio techniques, landscape and architecture photography.

Our summer camp sizes are not more then 10 students and this is how we like it!  It's not about packing lots of children in, it's about giving them all individual attention! The age groups are 6 to 13 with variety of activities that they are sure to love.  We will teach them to meditate, do some yoga stretches, paint, arts and crafts, nature walk and photography in front of a real backdrop with studio lights and oh and they will also get to bake cookies and cup cakes that they can eat here or take home with them! :)


To Register for camps or want more information contact: Ayesha Khwaja


Call: 240-481-7211

COST: $200 for the week!


June: 15-19 (9am to 1pm)
June: 22-26 (9am to 1pm)

July: 13-17 (9am to 1pm)
July:20-24 (9am to 1pm)

August: 10-14 (9am to 1pm)
August: 17-21 (9am to 1pm)



Photographing the landscape and architecture while traveling allows us to examine our relationship with the places in which we visit or in which we live. 

It is an active expression of our desire to remember, to revisit, and to tell our personal experiences. In this workshop you will understand lenses, exposure, lighting, preparing for the outdoors, composition and hyperfocal distance.


Composition is the way we decide to organize different elements in our frame in order to get an amazing picture.  A good photographer must never use an editing tool to crop their image or correct the angle of the image they have photographed. Every shot should always be deliberate and planned and photographed within a split second of spotting it. You are taught to train your eye and recognize great composition. In this workshop we will teach you the guidelines that have been created about composition and then encourage you to break the rules when there is a reason for it.


Learn how to capture genuine, emotional images of families.  Learn how to create a relationship and environment that helps the clients feel at ease.  You’ll revisit the art of storytelling through still images and how to bring storytelling into your work with families. If you want to deepen your relationships with the subjects you shoot and deliver photographs that are joyful and authentic, join Kirsten for this in-depth class on documentary-style family photography.


This class teaches the most important tools for post production of photos. Learn how to how to airbursh the skin for a flawless finish, get rid of skin imperfections like blemishes or dark circles, learn how to color correct, brighten, crop and batch processing.


Fashion photography is one of the world’s most glamorous careers. While talent is important, success relies upon knowledge and training. Fashion photographers require a deep understanding of both photographic techniques and fashion to create visuals which represent ideas and innovation.  Fashion industry executives in advertising, commercial and editorial arenas are always on the look out for skilled fashion photographers. Coursework in Fashion Photography lays the groundwork for a successful career in the photography industry and related fields.

In this workshop you will use available light or studio lights to create dynamic, high fashion photographs.  If you know proper technique, you can then focus on the model and you don’t waste precious frames setting up your camera. Understand the mood you’re trying to achieve, use the light as the creative means to express your idea, talk to model and let her know what you need, stir her up with your effective communication and then shoot, shoot, shoot!


Learn special considerations involved in shooting with a DSLR camera at night or in low-light conditions, such as sunset or candlelight. The course addresses exposure decisions such as choice of aperture and shutter speed and how they impact depth of field and the camera's ability to freeze motion.  You will learn how to obtain accurate color balance in tungsten and fluorescent lighting situations, learn how to paint with light, manipulate long shutter speed and correct white balance.


Our advance classes focus on composition, story telling through photos, photojournalism, fashion photography, photographing babies and learning how to photograph individuals, head-shots or groups for events or portraits.

Upcoming advance classes.


Our advance classes focus on composition, story telling through photos, photojournalism, fashion photography, photographing babies and learning how to photograph individuals, head-shots or groups for events or portraits.

Upcoming advance classes.

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